vira k.
name's vira • 20↑ • indonesia
a shimono hiro & kajiura yuki fan, also a duck enthusiast. sometimes drawindonesian/english/日本語
merch store

fandom & favs
Main Fandom
Detective Conan, Tower of GodSecondary
Genshin Impact, Ookiku Furikabutte, Revue StarlightOthers
Lyrical Nanoha, PriPri, NORN9, I☆Chu, Dungeon Meshi, etc
it's a long list, yeah?
★ NOT spoiler free
★ I might RT 18↑ stuff
★ multifandom (mainly Tower of God and Detective Conan)
★ multiship (all ships reversible)
★ I take my time to response, please don't expect me to reply quickly↑ if you're uncomfortable with the points above, don't follow ↑
about art:
❄ QRT is ok
❄ Ask for permission before reposting art
older art